
When accuracy matters.  

Develop a pathway to growth.


We offer a full suite of audit, assurance, and consulting services to minimise risk and help your business thrive.

As one of the largest audit teams in regional NSW, we pride ourselves on being relationship-driven and people-focused, with a strong emphasis on open communication and thorough investigations. Our goal is to help your business intercept risk and map a clear path to growth, using state-of-the-art technology and innovative thinking to provide relevant and meaningful insights.

Whether you need in-house or remote support, workshops for your key personnel, or assistance with compliance and operational needs, we're here to help.

     what our customers have to say  what our customers have to say  

Audit, Assurance and Consulting

Our team accesses their extensive risk, assurance and process knowledge to add a unique perspective to our audit consulting services.

With complex accounting standards and growing compliance demands, it can be a challenge for organisations to keep up with the workload. Forsyths offers corporate accounting and prepares compliant financial statements to ease this burden.

As experienced external auditors, our unique perspective provides valuable support for accounting and financial statement preparation.
Our data analytic tools are able to assess the smallest detail and provide exceptional insights into trends in the operation of the business, emerging risk factors, control effectiveness and operating efficiency, gaps in risk management and control processes, and potential breaches in legislative compliance.

We also  assist businesses address key areas of focus, reducing the time spent on external auditors and minimising audit fee overruns. 

We're passionate about helping businesses like yours intercept risk and map a clear path to growth. Our Audit Principals, Paul Cornall and Jacob Sauer, and our experienced team deliver exceptional service and insights to help your business thrive.

External and Internal Audits

Unbiased and courageous solutions with the technical expertise.

At Forsyths, we offer quality and timely external audit services to organisations of all sizes in regional NSW. With over 80 years of  combined experience we prioritise building a relationship with your business to provide a seamless, value-added audit experience. 

Our expertise can deliver insights to minimise risk and improve your business. We work with you to ensure the audit process aligns with your needs and deadlines, either on site or remotely.

Our certified auditors  are highly experienced and are specialists in local government, not-for-profits, clubs, schools, charities, breed societies, small to medium-sized enterprises. Our internal and external audit team's in-depth knowledge of organisational risk and operations delivers valuable insights.
Whether you prefer in-person meetings or remote work, we have the infrastructure, flexibility and expertise to meet your needs.

Internal auditing services include:

Internal Audit Outsourcing: Entrust us with a fully outsourced internal audit service that meets industry best practices.
Internal Audit Co-Sourcing: Enhance your in-house internal audit team with our expertise and objectivity.
Assurance and Process Mapping: Gain a clear understanding of risk and compliance to make informed decisions.
Internal Audit Effectiveness & Improvement: Need a fresh set of eyes over your internal audit?  Working with our team of internal audit professionals we'll provide a comprehensive evaluation of your internal audit functions to ensure you are compliant with the Institute of Internal Audit International Professional Practices Framework. By collaborating with Forsyths, you can confidently navigate a clear path to making your internal audits even more impactful for your organisation.
Remote Internal Audit Service: Using communication technology, our fully remote internal audit services deliver convenient, flexible and cost-effective internal Audit services, saving you time, money and resources .

Contact us to learn more.

Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF) Auditing

Expert, independent and efficient SMSF auditors with over 20 years of experience helping clients achieve their SMSF goals.

We provide intelligent and goal-driven reassurance for the future, eliminating doubt and ensuring your SMSF is free from compliance issues and unexpected surprises.

Our collaborative approach to auditing SMSF's means we work closely with our clients, using our cutting-edge SMSF audit platform that integrates with most SMSF accounting systems. Our cost-effective solutions deliver confidence in your SMSF's future.

Trust Audits and Examinations

Trust accounting carries the risk of fines for breaches. Failure to ensure trust accounting policies are in place can cost you your livelihood. 

Trust accounting is a high-risk area, and non-compliance can cost you dearly. In today's world of increasing scrutiny, it's essential to have peace of mind when it comes to your Trust finances.

Qualified and certified with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and the Institute of Internal Auditors Australia, having an auditor who goes beyond compliance can bring added reassurance. Forsyths Audit Team is dedicated to ensuring your policies, processes, and controls reduce the risk of fraud. 

A qualified and certified team with over 20 years of experience in conducting trust audits and Law Society External Examinations, we are one of the largest trust account auditors and external examiners in the New England, North West, Mid North Coast, North Coast, and Hunter Regions.

With expertise in Real Estate Trust Audits and Law Society External Examinations, Forsyths will help you strengthen your processes. We offer a tailored platform, either in-house at your workplace or through our secure client portal, to suit your needs.

With ongoing communication, we'll find solutions to your issues, and we also offer training and process improvement sessions to keep you and your team up-to-date with all regulations.

Trust the process to protect your assets.

Fraud Reviews

Fraud can occur when opportunities arise, making it essential for businesses to implement effective preventative and detective controls to mitigate risk.

To protect your business, it is crucial to review key areas such as cash handling, payments, accounting functions, and inventory management to ensure sole access and reduce the risk of fraud. A professional review, which typically involves a series of interviews with relevant staff and consultation with business owners, management, and advisors, can help identify risk areas and develop practical solutions to mitigate them.

The consequences of fraud can be severe, with: 

  • 60% of small business fraud victims not recovering any of their losses
  • 56% of frauds being perpetrated by employees and management
  • Over 40% of frauds occurring over a five-year period
  • 80% small businesses at risk under the right circumstances

Fraud can devastate. Imagine the impact of losses up to $150,000 on your own business and to employees, and families.
Implementing effective preventative and detective controls can mitigate this risk. Talk to Forysths for an analysis of your fraud risks.

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Risk Management

Organisational Risk Management

Refers to the risk of not achieving your business goals due to internal issues such as inadequate processes, systems, or people, or due to external events like fraud, security threats, privacy breaches, legal challenges, or physical or environmental risks.

Our expert team can guide you through the entire risk management process, from creating a risk management framework to preparing specific risk registers and reviewing existing processes.

Risk Management Framework

We'll work with you to develop an organisation-wide risk management framework. This will help identify risks that could impact your business objectives,  assess the internal processes, systems, and people managing those risks to identify opportunities for improvement.
We'll help you to create a framework that includes a risk management policy and document outlining:

  • The overall goal of the risk management process
  • Governance's commitment to risk management and its implementation across the organisation
  • Responsibilities for risk management at all levels
  • Identify risks specific to your organisation
  • Create a risk management policy and process including assessment, analysis, evaluation, treatment, and monitoring
  • Roles and responsibilities for managing risk, including the Audit and Risk Committee and Risk Management team

Audit and Risk Committee

If you're setting up an audit and risk committee or want to evaluate its effectiveness, we can help. We'll review the committee's composition, charter, meeting setup, and responsibilities, and provide recommendations for improvement.

Governance Risk Workshops

Having a shared understanding of organisational and strategic risk is crucial for a successful risk management framework. We offer governance risk workshops to educate and engage your team.

Strategic Risk Register

Once the risk management framework is in place, we'll help you create a strategic risk register. This will identify and assess risks to the organisation and the controls in place to mitigate them.