Paul is a creative, people person with more than 35 years industry experience. He has a curiosity for businesses and their teams, an enthusiasm for keeping up with industry methods and a warm approach to sharing knowledge.
Paul is detailed and independent. His clients appreciate his candor, and solutions driven advice to move their business forward.
Paul has an interest in internal risk and compliance systems with more than twenty years’ experience in this field. He has unique awareness of how important these are to any organisation.
With metropolitan and regional experience, Paul’s background at KPMG Newcastle and the United Kingdom means he works with local, national and multinational corporations. Paul has particular experience with local government, aged care, education, agriculture, registered clubs and not for profits.
Live music, riding bikes and sharing a craft beer with mates, community events and travelling are interests where Paul finds energy in relating to people, sharing ideas and finding new opportunities.
Paul is a Chartered Accountant and registered Company Auditor. He has a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from Newcastle University, is an
Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and a member of the Institute of Internal Auditors. He is a committee member of the
Local Government Auditors Association.