Forsyths Team News

Forsyths Team News

Published November 26, 2019

Forsyths Team News

Erica Hoy has just completed her Chartered Accountant Program study with Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

Erica says after almost nine years of study through TAFE, university and the Chartered Accounting Program, it feels both rewarding and a relief to now be a member of the highly respected institute within the accounting industry.

Erica chose accounting as her career after growing up in a family that operated a small business in a rural area. 

‘I choose accounting because I enjoyed maths and wanted to help others operating small business to better understand the financial information behind their day to day operations, she said.’

Erica is looking forward to continuing her work with clients and within her team at Forsyths without the study pressures.

Tiffany Newman has recently completed her Bachelor of Accounting at Charles Sturt University.

Tiffany was delighted to graduate and says she continues to enjoy the detail in her work at Forsyths.

‘I’ve got an eagerness to understand and follow through on the detail in my work.

‘I look at Phil Bolton and he’s just a book of knowledge – it’s scary how much detail he knows! I want to keep learning so that I can be like that – the person people want to go to for the detail,’ she said.

No rest for Tiffany, she’s has now begun and is enjoying her Chartered Accounting study.

Stephanie Murat, Sandra Kernke, Jessica Zhang and Brittany Velcich have also completed their Chartered Accounting Program study. The team have shown amazing commitment and determination in reaching this significant accounting achievement.

Along with the birth of his second baby, Will Whale is celebrating the completion of his Chartered Accounting study. Will is no doubt pleased to have the extra time to now devote to his lovely wife and baby girl.

Sarah Kent will graduate from the University of New England this year after completing her Bachelor of Accounting. We’ll look forward to seeing the pictures of the special day. Congratulations Sarah!

Accountants Daily 30 Under 30 Awards

Jacob Sauer has been named as a finalist for the Accountants Daily 30 Under 30 Awards.

The Awards recognise the up and coming names in the accounting industry. They highlight accountants who use innovative processes, efficient service and a commitment to deliver new ideas to their clients.

Jacob is one of 8 finalists in the Audit category who will attend the final announcement event in December.

Wishing you all the best Jacob!