JobSaver and Micro-Business Grant Recipients Re-Testing Eligibility Requirements
All businesses receiving the JobSaver and Micro-Grants must be re-tested on their eligibility to receive future payments.
Service NSW will forward emails reminding you to go to their website to confirm you remain eligible each fortnight.
The details requiring confirmation are:
- The employee headcount as stated in the initial application has been maintained; and
- The business has continued to experience a decline in turnover of at least 30%.
Where your business is closed and cannot trade due to the Public Health Order during the test periods, your business can confirm its
eligibility without doing any further work.
Just because you become ineligible for one fortnight, doesn't mean you cannot qualify for a future fortnight.
There is no requirement to submit any additional evidence or attach any documentation when reconfirming your eligibility; however you must
maintain adequate records to show evidence of your eligibility if required under an audit from Service NSW.
There are 3 options for working out whether your business/not-for-profit organisations has continued to experience the requisite decline in
turnover. These are:
OPTION 1 If your initial comparison period was in 2019 or 2020, use the same year but the corresponding fortnight as
the current fortnight (rolling comparison period).
This option is available to a business that has experienced a decline in turnover of 30% more due to the Public Health Order compared to
the same period in 2019 or 2020. You must use the same year (i.e. 2019 or 2020) for the comparison period as you chose in your initial
OPTION 2 If your initial comparison period was in 2019 or 2020, use the same comparison period that was used in
the initial application (static comparison period).
This option is available to a business that has experienced a decline in turnover of at least 30% due to the Public Health Order compared
to the fortnight in 2019 or 2020 that was used as the comparison period for the initial JobSaver application.
OPTION 3 If you used 23 July to 7 August 2021 as your initial comparison period, you must use that same period that was
used in the initial application (static comparison period).
This option is available to a business that has experienced a decline in turnover of at least 30% due to the Public Health Order compared
with the two-week period immediately before any NSW restrictions impacted your business.
Further information is available from the Service NSW website on reconfirming eligibility for:
- the JobSaver payment (see also Common Questions); and
- the Micro-business Grant (see also Common Questions).
Undertaking the reconfirmation will be required by you through the Service NSW website, but should you require any assistance please don't
hesitate to contact us at Forsyths.