Navigating life’s financial certainties and current market conditions.

While the adage asserts that there are only two certainties in life – death and taxes - in the world of financial services, we know too well that there are a few more!

Forsyths extends an invitation to an insightful evening, inviting attendees to explore the landscape of life's financial certainties. Changes to legislation can sometimes be challenging to understand, and this event provides a timely update to the changing economic conditions we all face.

Beyond the conventional belief that only death and taxes are inevitable, the financial services sector presents additional certainties that merit exploration and Forsyths has gathered a panel of experts to share their insights on the journey through four certainties: death and taxes, changes in superannuation legislation, and the ever- evolving economic markets.

The panel of experts contributing their valuable perspectives include:

  • Greg Moin of Moin Morris Schaefer Lawyers, offering insights and expertise on effective Estate Planning.
  • Mark Fenech from Morningstar, a highly respected Investment specialist with a global MBA and certifications in Financial Planning, Financial Markets, and SMSF.
  • Rod Wark, Forsyths Financial Advisor.
  • Brett Constable, Forsyths Business Services Principal.

Key topics Include:

The expert panel will delve into pressing topics, providing detailed updates on current market conditions and exploring issues such as the proposed $3 million superannuation cap, estate planning strategies, and the implications of Stage 3 tax cuts.

This event offers invaluable insights and essential information about the ever-changing financial landscape, presenting practical strategies to flourish in the face of uncertainty. Attendance is complimentary, and the knowledge shared is exceptionally valuable.

Join us in person at Forsyths’ Armidale office or for those unable to attend in person, an online option is available.